Monday, April 19, 2010

Texting, Prelims, Emotions,,,

Today (Monday) is the first round of competition. Those who place high enough will advance to finals. We won't know rankings or places until tomorrow---SO, we won't know who advances.

We will have a rather early (I'm wanting to say around 7:30 AM) "Mini-Awards Session"---this will identify those who will compete again... in some cases, they could literally be recognized, walk off the stage, and have to find their location for their next competition... (That gets a little nuts.)

Anyway... it is always interesting on the first day. At times, emotions run high---sometimes people don't feel like they did well---etc.

I don't remember how I handled these things before cell phones and text messaging---but, believe it or not, I guess I did... Anyway, my fat little fingers have danced across the antiquated keypad on my phone all day.

It sounds like some groups feel pretty confident---some not sure, some a little more pessimistic.

Only time will tell.

I worked with the other Kansas Advisors and supervised the Web Design competition. We had a long morning, but things are more straightened out now---just took time to get into a routine.

Our competitors have finished for the moment, they will have a debriefing session in about 30 minutes. At this time, Judges and ALL competitors in a given event meet. They will discuss the event, what they (judges) really wanted to see, etc. Judges won't give students any specific feedback regarding their performance. However, sometimes after this, students have a better feeling for how they have been received by the judge.

More to follow...

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